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Really Great Reels and Violin
Fiddle tunes and instruction for teachers and independent learners.


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Really Great Reels and Violin
Fiddle tunes and instruction for teachers and independent learners.
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Selecting and presenting only the best internet content of interest to violinists and violists - and their teachers and parents.
Resources for String Teachers, Students, and Parents
– scales, music reading lesson plans, fiddle tune arrangements . . .
Our Products
NEW for 2018!!! Reading Music: A Guide for Suzuki Violin Students - created specifically for students learning to play the violin through the Suzuki approach, following Suzuki’s educational principles and using the Suzuki repertoire as a point of reference.
Reading Music begins with exploration of essential concepts; beat, rhythm, meter, the musical alphabet and the staff - and leads students to a thorough understanding of how to read pitch, rhythm and basic bowing notation.
Lessons include a review of skills previously covered, a written explanation of each new concept, clearly laid out assignments, and enjoyable music to read. Reading concepts are introduced one at a time, and students are given ample opportunity to work with and absorb each one through a multifaceted approach that incorporates movement, writing, ensemble playing, and games.
Group Classics: Strategies and Ideas for Inspiring Suzuki Group Classes – group class is the heart of a successful Suzuki program and needs to be approached with thoughtful planning. Veteran teacher Amy Matherly offers advice and student tested lesson ideas gleaned from over 30 years of group class teaching experience. You will find over 100 activities, organized around 9 broad themes, that will keep your groups learning, growing and having fun for years to come. Group Classics was written from a violin teacher's perspective but all of the lessons can easily be adapted for any bowed instrument - and most will work for any instrument.
If you've ever wondered what you were going to do with your next group class (and who hasn't?), you'll find Group Classics an invaluable addition to your teaching library. Take a look inside Group Classics.
Progressive Scales for Violin (2nd Edition) – 1, 2, and 3 octave scales and arpeggios for beginning through advanced violin students. Progressive Scales for Violin is a violin scale book developed as an answer to the overcrowded scale book, containing easy to read scales, with plenty of room to insert your own fingerings and notes. Includes both major and minor scales and arpeggios along with explanations of relevant theory concepts. Take a look inside Progressive Scales for Violin (2nd Edition) to see for yourself.
Progressive Scales for Viola – same great format as Progressive Scales for Violin (2nd Edition) including 1, 2, and 3 octave scales and arpeggios for beginning through advanced viola students. Take a look inside Progressive Scales for Viola.
Really Great Reels – introducing a little fiddle music into the mix is a great way to add some spice to your violin program. Really Great Reels is a collection of time-and-kid-tested fiddle tunes and arrangements, from a variety of traditions and at 4 skill levels (beginner, easy, intermediate and advanced). Ready to use right off the shelf, your students will love learning to fiddle. And parents will enjoy the infusion of energy that fiddling will bring to practice time!
Really Great Reels is also perfect for the individual who has always wanted to learn to play fiddle tunes. The accompanying recording includes both a slow version of each fiddle tune for learning “by ear” and an up-tempo version for inspiration. Recordings can be downloaded online, too.
Take a look inside Really Great Reels – you’ll love it!
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From Appalachian to Zydeco; Baroque to Hip Hop; the Americas to China - we've collected great video recordings of virtuoso violin and viola performances in dozens of styles and traditions from around the world and through time.
Check it out now. Choose a video at random, and get ready for something different. More
Accessories (and more) for violin and viola players that CAM Publications' co-founder, Amy Matherly, has used and can recommend whole-heartedly. Amy is a registered Teacher Trainer with the Suzuki Association of the Americas and has been teaching violin and viola to students, ranging from four year olds to adults, for over thirty years.
She has tried many products, with a lot of students. Find out which ones have passed the test!! More
Group Classics - Idea of the Month
Be sure to check out the latest suggestions for fun and effective group class activities . . . More
About Us
Founded in 1998, CAM Publications supplies string teachers - and independent learners - high quality curricula to supplement and support their chosen approach or method . . . More
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"I've never known a musician who regretted being one. Whatever deceptions life may have in store for you, music itself is not going to let you down." - Virgil Thomson
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