The best in accessories, music and books for violinists and violists - and their teachers and parents.
The accessories, music and books you will find in our Accessories+ Store are those that CAM Publications' co-founder, Amy Matherly, has used and can recommend whole-heartedly. Amy is a registered Teacher Trainer with the Suzuki Association of the Americas and has been teaching violin and viola to students, ranging from four year olds to adults, for over thirty years. As you might imagine, Amy has tried many, many products during those years. Learn here which ones have passed her tests.
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Featured Products
44 Duets, Volumes I and II, Bela Bartok: This collection of duets by the famous composer rarely fails to inspire and entertain my students. They are perfect for intermediate and advanced students. Violin buddies can get together and have hours of fun playing them.
Shop HERE for the sheet music.
The recordings of the Bartok duets by Angela and Jennifer Chun are inspiring and instructive - a great gift for the student in your life!
View video clips of other artists featured in the Accessories+ Store "Great Listening" section.
AcoustaGrip, from Stern Sound: The ads for these violin and viola shoulder rests aren't exaggerating when they tell us that "AcoustaGrip is the greatest advancement in shoulder rests in over 78 years!" They are the ultimate in comfort and quite attractively shaped as a member of the string family. And they stick to your instrument without potentially harmful clamps or glue - held securely and gently with air!
To learn more about AcoustaGrip shoulder rests, including installation instructions, take a look at the video below. Shop for AcoustaGrips HERE - in the "Shoulder Rests" category.
Wristies, from Wristies, Inc.: Keep your hands and arms warm without interfering with your playing. Cold can cause tension. Keep your hands warm and relaxed with Wristies!
To learn more about Wristies, watch the short video below. Click HERE to shop for Wristies in the "Hand and Arm Warmers" category.
Wittner Composite Chinrests, from Wittner GmbH & Co. KG: These popular German-made violin and viola chinrests are "antiallergic, anatomically designed and made of 'Space Age' composite material." Available in a variety of sizes, center and side mount, these chinrests have a smooth lip for extra comfort. Students like the smooth feel - no metal clamps digging into their neck or collar bone. They come with an easy-to-install, secure fitting and the perfect size screwdriver to make installation a breeze.
Shop HERE for Wittner Chinrests - in the "Chinrests" category.
© 2018 CAM Publications
"I've never known a musician who regretted being one. Whatever deceptions life may have in store for you, music itself is not going to let you down." - Virgil Thomson