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Why Study Music? Some Words from the Wise

Here in New England, the webworms are making their nests in the tree branches and the birch leaves are turning yellow and falling to the ground, which means that summer is coming to an end and a new school year will be starting soon. Families are planning their fall schedules, choosing from a wide array of activities in order to nurture their children’s budding interests and provide them with an educational experience of lasting value.

Here are some of the benefits of learning to play an instrument.

Music is good for the soul

“Happiness comes from raising your abilities”

- Shinichi Suzuki

“If everyone would study art, then art would come into everyday life.”

-Shinichi Suzuki

“Activities such as music can provide a sense of meaningful belonging through a shared interest.”

-Eileen Kennedy-Moore & Mark S. Lowenthal

Music is good for the body and mind

Learning to play an instrument accesses the often neglected kinesthetic and aural learning pathways.

“Children learn best when they are moving and doing.”

- Eileen Kennedy-Moore & Mark S. Lowenthal

“ One real encounter, even for a few seconds is far more useful than several hundred observations”

-Daniel Coyle

Develop valuable life skills

Grit - Coping with difficulties

“If, as a person works at playing the violin well, he develops the talent to overcome any difficult problem by working, then the talent will be born to accomplish even the hardest problems easily. As a person practices the violin, he creates this talent.”

-Shinichi Suzuki

Self esteem

Playing an instrument is an activity that children can work at over time to become increasingly more skilled, thus building their self esteem.

“There are no shortcuts to self esteem. It is earned not given. Self esteem is an outcome, not a cause, of meeting relevant standards of performance.”

- Eileen Kennedy-Moore & Mark S. Lowenthal

Performance Skills & Confidence

“The performances by the strings group allow my son to gain experience in relating to an audience in a safe, supportive environment and to appreciate the practice time that underlies each performance.”

-Diane Mara, Parent


Ability Development From Age Zero by Shinichi Suzuki

Smart Parenting for Smart Kids by Eileen Kennedy–Moore, PhD

and Mark S. Lowenthal, PsyD

The Talent Code by Daniel Coyle

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"I've never known a musician who regretted being one. Whatever deceptions life may have in store for you, music itself is not going to let you down."  - Virgil Thomson

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