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Interview with Amy Matherly

Read the recent interview in Worcester's Telegram & Gazette with CAM Publications co-founder, Amy Matherly:

Sunday Sit-down:

Sturbridge violin teacher Amy Matherly


Amy Matherly began her career as a violin teacher in the public schools on Long Island. She is currently Suzuki Program Coordinator at Pakachoag Music School of Greater Worcester in Auburn, where she has taught since 2010.

Mrs. Matherly is a registered "Violin Teacher Trainer" with the Suzuki Association of the Americas, one of approximately 200 professionals to achieve that status in North and South America. She is the author of three widely-used method books, and a number of her articles on teaching have been published in the American Suzuki Journal. Mrs. Matherly is also a freelance musician in the Worcester area who plays many different styles of music, including classical, fiddle and blues. School is getting back in earnest. Is it exciting for you as a teacher to see a child's first musical steps? "It's wonderful, and one of the perks of being an instrumental music teacher is . . ..

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"I've never known a musician who regretted being one. Whatever deceptions life may have in store for you, music itself is not going to let you down."  - Virgil Thomson

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